Programmation orientée objet 1

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is one of the programming paradigms used in the development of computer applications. This paradigm imparts several benefits to programs, including enhanced conceptual clarity and robustness in the face of future changes, along with highly effective software maintenance. The goal of this course is to primarily introduce the essential concepts of this paradigm, disregarding the technical aspects specific to programming languages. We will cover fundamental concepts, development methods, and relevant guidelines that lead to the creation of well-structured programs.

This course serves as an introduction to Object-Oriented programming (OO), focusing primarily on presenting fundamental concepts common to most general-purpose OO programming languages. To achieve this, we assume that you have a basic understanding of procedural programming concepts such as data types, variables, loops, functions, etc. Throughout the course, we will use the Java programming language to illustrate these fundamental OO concepts. Therefore, familiarity with the basics of Java syntax is assumed to apply these concepts effectively.

Our focus will be on pure OO concepts, overlooking technical aspects directly related to the programming language, known as the API (Application Programming Interface). As you progress through the course, it's essential to self-assess and guide your learning. Gradually, once you have a good grasp of the course content, practice becomes crucial. No practice, no good programming, and sometimes no programming at all. I emphasize the importance of individual practice, as learning any language in general, and programming in particular, requires consistent and rigorous effort.



Bibliography and Useful Links


المعلم: mansour mekour